Please note that we are a travel meta-search engine, we search 1000+ websites and show you the best deals across the internet, but we do not facilitate the booking. All the payments, bookings, and post-booking handlings are faciliatated by individual booking agencies and governed by their terms and conditions. It is recommended that you directly contact them in case of any issues for faster resolution. We can assist you only to reach them, and we are not resposible for any dispute handling.
If you still have queries, please reply to this email with as much information as possible, include/attach any emails or SMS's already received from the airlines or online travel agents regarding your booking and transactions. Please include phone number, email address, and full passenger names as well. Please note that without this info, the resolution will take a longer time.
Please note that by providing your name, email, phone number and any other details with respect to the booking, you give us the consent to forward it to the ticket issuer to get the status update of your booking. Also you give us your consent to call/text you so that the resolution can be expedited.
Self help with frequenty asked questions and booking assistance are listed here: